Create admin panel in Laravel have never been so easy to build with Radmin - Laravel Admin starter. This source integrated themekit Bootstarp 4 admin panel with lots of plugins and very easy to customise.
Main features:
- Integration with a REST API, allowing for easy communication with other applications and systems
- Built-in support for user authentication, with features such as user registration, login, password reset, and email verification
- Support for user roles and permissions, allowing you to restrict access to certain parts of the admin panel based on the user's role
- Integration with popular third-party libraries, such as the JWT library for token-based authentication and the PHPMailer library for sending emails via SMTP
- Serverside Datatable, Editable Datatable, XSS protection
- Easy customization of the interface through the use of custom CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files
- and many more features....