Customer care and management system developed in PHP programming language and MySQL database with 02 basic functional modules:
- Administration: service management, customer management, invoice management, reporting
- Customers: Customers can update personal information, in invoices...
- The source code is easy to learn, customize and develop, suitable for those who are starting to learn PHP, MYSQL
How to install script:
- Download the source code, extract and copy to the web directory of the server (eg: xampp/htdocs, wamp/www, lamp var/www/HTML, ampps/www);
- Open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin), create a new database and import the clientmsdb.sql database file;
- Open the file dbconnection.php ( admin/includes/dbconnection.php ) configure information such as: hostname, username, password and database;
- Open the file dbconnection.php ( client/includes/dbconnection.php ) configure information such as: hostname, username, password, database;
- Open dbconnection.php (in client/includes/dbconnection.php) and configure information such as: hostname, username, password, database;
- Access project URL: http://localhost/project_name/
- Default login account: administrator / Test@123