This is simple module displays countdown timer and displays the discount percentage for special product. Module easy installation, no need to replace any core files and compatible with OpenCart 3.x.x..
Main features:
- Displays countdown timer for product special;
- Display label percentage;
- Easy install and documentation well;
- Compatible with OpenCart 3.x.x..
- No changes any in core files;
* How to install module
- Before installing module please backup source code and database;
- Download module special countdown;
- Login to admin interface;
- Click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Installer" upload file "module_specialcountdown.ocmod". Please wait until Install Progress success;
- Next, click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Modifications", select Countdown Special and click on the button "Refresh";
- Next, click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Extensions" - > Choose "Modules", find module "Specials Countdown" click on the button "Install" and configure the module.
* Tips
Module is already installed in Default Theme, if you use another theme, please copy the file countdown.css (in stylesheet) and file special_countdown.twig (in template/extension/module/) from Default Theme to Your Theme;If you need support, please contact to email: