This is an extension package that makes it easy to filter and export data to Excel quickly for Reports, which saves you time from having to copy data from reports to Excel when needed. The extension package no changes any in core Opencart file system and easy installation;
* Filter and export data to excel for:
- Customer orders: Customer Name, E-Mail, Telephone, Address, Customer Group, No. Orders, No. Products, Total
- Data orders : Invoice, Customer Product, Model, Quantity, Total, Tax, Date Added
- Products purchased: Product Name, Model, Quantity, Total, Viewed
- Products return: Order ID, Customer, Product, Model, Quantity, Return Status, Return Reason, Date Added
- Product out of stock: Product, Model, Price, Quantity, Date Added
* Installation Steps
- System Requirements: OpenCart,,; PHP 7.4 or later.
- 1. Extract the archive you downloaded, affter upload the 2 folders found inside (admin, system) to your Opencart root installation.
- 2. Access your Opencart Admin and go to Extensions > Extensions, choose Reports from the Choose the extension type selector and install 05 extension (Lib Customer Orders Report, Lib Orders Report, Lib Products Purchased Report, Lib Products Return Report, Lib Product Out Of Stock Report). Affter install success, configure it and make sure status must be Enabled;
- 3. Go to System > Reports, choose Reports and select report type (Lib Customer Orders Report, Lib Orders Report, Lib Products Purchased Report, Lib Products Return Report, Lib Product Out Of Stock Report) to use.