This is a module allow display latest review on dashboard for Opencart, reviews of the day will be highlighted so admin can be easy see.
Main features:
- No changes any in core opencart file system and easy install;
- Reviews of the day will be highlighted;
- Can be set limit to display latest review.
Installation Steps:
- Access your Opencart Admin and go to "Extensions" -> "Installer", upload file "module_latest_review_dashboard.ocmod", please wait until Install Progress success;
- Next, click the menu item "System" -> "Users" ->"User Groups", select the User Group Name (usually will choose Administrator) to modify, and then click on Edit to change the group permission:
+ Check the “extension/dashboard/review"option in the Access Permission section.
+ Check the "extension/dashboard/review" option in the Modify Permission.
+ Make sure to click the save Icon.
- Last, Click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Extensions" - > Choose the extension type "Dashboard", install and configure Latest Reviews module. Make sure to click the save Icon and module status must enabled;