Member Comment Management Module for SLiMS - Senayan Library

This module allows library staff to easily control and maintain the quality of book comments, removing inappropriate comments, spam, or misinformation. This enhances interaction between readers and the library through effective comment management. This module is compatible with SLiMS 9 Bulian and above.

Key Features:

  • Easy install and no changes any in core SLiMS file system;
  • Quickly filter comment data by member ID and date.
  • View detailed comment content, such as: Book commented on, member who commented, comment content.
  • Edit or delete unwanted comments.
  • Log every action taken by library staff, including comment editing, and deletion, to provide a transparent history of actions and timestamps;

Module Installation Guide

Important: Before proceeding with the installation, it is strongly recommended that you create a backup of your SLiMS source code and database. This module has been validated for compatibility with  SLiMS version 9.6.1.

Installation Steps:

1. File Upload:

  • Extract the contents of the downloaded archive.
  • Transfer the files located within the "Upload" directory to the root installation directory of your SLiMS instance.

2. Configuration:

  • Open the file, located in the root directory of your SLiMS installation.
  • Find "IP based access limitation" and insert the following code snippet:

$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-comment'] = 'all';

3. Module Activation:

  • Access the SLiMS administrative panel.
  • Navigate to "System" -> "Modules".
  • Register a new module with the following details:
- Module Name: comment
- Module Path: comment
- Module Description: Manage comments from item details

4. Completion:

  • Log out of the SLiMS administrative panel.
  • Log back in to activate the installed module.

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